Words of Mine


Long Term Change

"Long-term change requires looking honestly at our lives and realizing that it's nice to be needed but not at the expense of our health, our happiness, and our sanity."

-- Ellen Sue Stern

Long Term Change

To me, long term change begins with today. Actually, it begins with this minute, this second with whatever we�ve put our mind to. One baby step towards our heart�s desire lead to other baby steps and they add up by the end of each day. Before you know it, one day is down, a week has passed, a month has gone by and we find ourselves at a year�s anniversary from whence we began.

The hard part is what is stated at the end of this quote, �. . . but not at the expense of our health, our happiness, and our sanity.�

How many times have we begun a diet, a relationship or even a new job at the expense of ourselves? I know I have. I learned how to be a mannequin growing up in an alcoholic home, it was best to just keep quite, small and out of the way. Later, I learned how to be a chameleon around the people I thought I wanted to be accepted by. What about being that perfect girlfriend or wife? I remember wanting to be �the little woman.� There was cooking, sewing, dressing, knowing the right people and having the right job. Did it make me happier? Did the relationships last?


It wasn�t until I was older and began that honest look at myself and what was important to me. Then, not being willing to give that up once I met something or someone else. It was scary. Fears of abandonment, mental, emotional and physical abuse all went through my mind. Thankfully, my HP stuck with me and provided a good support group of friends who believed in me. I kept taking those baby steps and I began achieving those long term changes. Am I done making changes?


There are still some areas that need some straightening up and I take that one step at a time. Will I ever cross the finish line? Probably not and that�s okay with me. I am okay with who I am today. My desire is to be the best woman I can be and that comes with baby steps every day towards that goal. I urge you all, man or woman, to take those steps towards your long term goals and know I cheer you on.


Wednesday Whatevers

1. Should somebody be your enemy if they are your parents' enemy? Why? This question makes me think of the Hatfields and McCoys. Think of all the relatives that would have lived long lives if the children of the original families of this feud?

2. Why do you answer memes? To spark my creativity.

3. Do you use net slang or type correctly? Every now and then I might use net slang but mostly I type all my words. I�m not always sure with whom I e-mailing that they know the slang. I�d rather they know exactly what I�m writing about then guess at it.


That�s enough heavy thinking for one writing!

mz. em

8:39 p.m. - Wednesday, May. 26, 2004


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