Words of Mine


Three Wishes

2nd day of lunar cycle

�Ask a toad what beauty is . . . His female, with two large round eyes sticking out of her little head, a large and flat snout, a yellow belly, a brown back.�

-- Voltaire, Philosophical Dictionary

Three Wishes

�Three wishes you say?�

�Yes, you can have three wishes,� the wee creature said to me.

It all began when I was out walking around my neighborhood. As I neared the wooded area I heard a small voice yelling for assistance. It was hard to tell where it was coming from it was so faint.

I walked along the waterfront.

�No, no, you�re going the wrong way!�

I barely heard this and turned around and backtracked. I�m looking in the trees, under the leaves, in and around the rocks but still could not find the owner of the voice requiring help.

�All right then, keep talking to me. Describe what�s around you.� I asked.

�I�m to your left, just at your shoulder level. Do you see me?�

I�m looking around. I see trees: firs, a stump of an elm and eucalyptus. I hear the waves washing up on shore.

�Hmm,� closing my eyes, I see a firtree on my left and there on a branch wrapped I fishing wire is a frog.

I open my eyes and look to my left and yes, there he was. A beautiful green frog tied to the branch with fishing wire.

�How on earth did you get in this predicament? Other than tree frogs and you don�t look like a tree frog, how did you get into this tree and wrapped up with fishline?�

Oh, don�t be asking all these questions,� he replied, �just get me out of here.�

I could have taken his attitude personally but considering the circumstances, I�d probably have an attitude as well.

�Okay, hold still. The easiest is for me to cut this line than to unwind it.�

I always have blade with me and I began cutting the line. In no time the frog was sitting on a rock across from me relating his tale.

�Here I was minding my own business enjoying the weather. The water at the edge was just warm enough and besides looking for food I was hoping to meet a young lady frog.�

�It felt like a lucky day or so I thought. I�m sitting on this rock enjoying the sunshine and I hear a fly buzzing nearby. Hmm, a snack. I watch the fly and just as I snatch for that fly, this fishing wire comes out of no where and wraps around my tongue. Do you know how hard it is to talk with your tongue stretched a foot beyond your mouth?�

�No, I can�t say I�ve had that experience before. But carry on with your story.�

�Well, as I was saying, my tongue is pulled tight and I�m trying to extricate myself when this horrid child appeared from around the rocks carrying several other frogs. I think I saw my aunt in the group but there wasn�t time to find out.�

�What saved me was the number of frogs the little wretch had so he tied me to the tree branch and said he�d be back later to get me. Oh the thoughts that went through my head. The horror of it all. I�ll have nightmares for a week.�

�So for rescuing me, I�ll grant you three wishes. What do you want?�

�Well, I don�t really want for much. I would have helped you even without the wishes.�

�But fair is fair,� the frog said.

�Okay, my first wish is . . . you won�t be harassed by little boys anymore. You will be invisible to them.�

�That�s awfully nice of you. What�s your second wish?�

�Hmm, let me think. I would wish to meet you here every day and talk about life and have a spot of lunch: flies for you and mice for me.�

�Gee, you�re not asking for the kinds of things most folks ask for. You�re an unusual creature. What�s your last wish?�

Taking time for thought, the frog didn�t seem to be phased by my wishes. Was I all that different from others?

�After giving it some thought, for my last wish I�ve decided I would like to lick, er, I mean kiss you. You are a handsome frog you know.

�Well, that is a most unusual request but I guess I can grant this wish.�

The frog came near. A kiss was close at hand. Tongues came forward to meet in mid air. They touch; a kiss is but a kiss.

I jumped quickly and swallowed the frog headfirst with nothing but legs kicking from my mouth. I can hear the frog croaking angrily. It would be so easy to finish the swallow but I won�t.

One heave, just like a hairball, the frog reappears on the rock across from me.

Sputtering, angry, �what did you do that for?�

�Because I could and to teach you not to be so trusting, even of cats who do a you a good deed.�

With that, I went back to my walk looking for an unwary mouse. I do like mice better than frogs. Meow!

5:51 p.m. - Monday, Feb. 03, 2003


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Crow Cottage, Actually
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