Words of Mine


Everybody Was Kung Foo Fighting

"Most great men and women are not perfectly rounded in their personalities, but are instead people whose one driving enthusiasm is so great it makes their faults seem insignificant."

-- Charles A. Cerami, Author

Everybody Was Kung Foo Fighting

This will be a short entry.

This is an entry about the truth of those statements on TV that says stunts should not be done at home.

They mean it!

Michael and I went for a short motorcycle ride with a stop off at our favorite restaurant for a bite to eat. It was a lovely night, the ride was good and the food was good. Upon our return, my mood was better and I began to get some things done around the house that needed doing.

At one point, Michael and I got to fooling around and doing martial arts stances. We were having a good time, when it came to me to doing a flying jump kick. Not that I was actually going to kick Michael but just do the kick.

So up in the air I went, giving my yell and kicking my feet out.

I felt alive.

I felt wonderful.

Reality came crashing in when I came back down and my feet weren�t where I thought they were and I found myself falling backwards onto the floor.

Crash, boom and bang!

Luckily I didn�t hit the kitchen counter and smash my head.

Luckily I didn�t land on my tailbone.

I landed on the area just above my tailbone. I also landed heavily on my left hand. Let me tell you it was instant pain. I curled up into a ball attempting to breathe and allow the pain to move through my body and out.

Michael and Spike were both round-eyed as they watched me lie on the floor and complain about the pain. Michael got me some ice which helped but I couldn�t lie on my back. I had shooting pains down my right leg. Oh man, what was I thinking? I began to laugh and so did Michael only he looked so concerned.

Eventually I was able to get to my side and onto my hands and knees and with Michael�s help I stood up. At which time the tears rolled down my face which scared Michael but then I began to laugh again. I made it to my chair and sat with ice on my bum. Spike hopped up in my lap and peered into my face to be sure I was okay. Michael was watching me as well.

Oh man, there went my energy for the night to get things done. It feels pretty good to sit here and hold Spike and do Reiki on myself and breathe.

I can assure you this is the last time I will be doing any kung foo fighting even in jest.

mz. em

9:42 p.m. - Monday, June. 30, 2003


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