Words of Mine


The Last Tale From The Bus

Success is a finished book, a stack of pages each of which is filled with words. If you reach that point, you have won a victory over yourself no less impressive than sailing single-handed around the world.

-- Tom Clancy

The Last Tale From The Bus

Well folks this is the last tale from the bus. Ever since the regional transit company changed the route I took, raised the fare, and hired drivers that don�t know the area and hence I�m late to work a lot; this morning was the straw.

This morning things were going fine. General talk on the bus is about the fact we are always late, little did we know. Just outside the university at the stop light, the bus died. The driver called into base and was told to shut off the battery for a minute and then try again. Okay that done, the bus starts but now the light has turned red and the bus dies again. Personally and several were in agreement, the bus was out of gas. One rider who came with his bicycle hopped off and pedaled away. That started the herd mentality and we all left but two riders and we hoofed it to our various destinations.

I had hoped to catch a city bus but it was the hour where none came by and there were none at the transit center. I called work to alert my co-worker about what had happened and why I was late of which he offered to come and get me and would be there shortly. While waiting for my knight, I called Michael and told him what had happened. He was most grateful to my co-worker as well.

The good news was, Michael was working on Ruby and had her carburetor off. He was going to take it to the Harley shop to have them put the new part in. Bad news, they wouldn�t use the part we had purchased, we had to purchase it from them. The good part here is the mechanic told Michael how to it and that�s what we will be doing this weekend. I can hardly wait.

With wheels no need for no stinkin� bus.


What do you think about that quote? I don�t have a published book but I have filled 35 notebooks of journal pages and I�m working on the 36th one and these are just the one�s I have handy. I know I have several that are packed away. It�s hard to believe I have used that much ink and paper to record my thoughts. Some day I want to start at the beginning and read them. I wonder what changes I will see.


To conclude today�s entry I will respond to the question at Blogger Seeds:

Random Questions; Random Days.... Friday, September 19 Windy is currently enjoying a much needed (and well deserved) weekend away! You have fun, girl! So she's asked me to take over for the next couple of days.

Autumn is almost officially here........This leads me to today's question. Are there any activities you enjoy doing specifically in the fall?

As you can see I�m behind here, I know �behind� is my middle name.

With fall I think of falling leaves, the smell of the leaves burning; freshly picked crunchy apples and home-baked apple pies.

Oooh, let�s not forget pumpkin pies and Halloween.

Cotton sweaters and long johns.

Flannel nightgowns.

Fires in the fireplace.

Collecting pinecones.

Eating caramel apples.

And, of course, slowing down for the season.


Well folks, it�s late and I�m a tired puppy. Sleep tight.

mz. em

9:21 p.m. - Thursday, Sept. 25, 2003


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