Words of Mine


What�s For Lunch?

�A strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success.�
!! Joyce Brothers, American Psychologist,
Television and Radio Personality !!


"Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what's for lunch."
-Orson Welles

1) Do you take your lunch hour at work? Yes, although I either eat in the break room or I go to my car.

2) What is your favorite place to eat lunch at? At home.

3) What do you usually eat for lunch? A variety of food. Veggies, frozen meals, sandwiches and cheese and crackers.

4) Do you have anyone that you eat lunch with on a regular basis? No.

5) If not eating, what do you usually do on your lunch hour? Reading or writer


Hey, family is coming in today from South Dakota, so I�m going to be scarce.

Mz. em


What I�m Reading:

�Chronicles of Narnia� by C. S. Lewis
�The Great Hunt� Wheel of Time Series #2 by Robert Jordan
�How to Keep a Sketchbook� by Michael Woods


Since I am a Barnes & Noble affiliate, any books you purchase through the link here gives me credit. So, if you feel so moved I would be appreciative.

Barnes& Noble.com


6:58 p.m. - Sunday, Feb. 27, 2005


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