Words of Mine


What�s In My Kitchen

"Why not seize the pleasure at once?
How often is happiness destroyed by preparation, foolish preparation?�
!! Jane Austen, 1775-1817, British Novelist !!


1. What's on your refrigerator? (Please feel free to use a picture to answer.) Lists, love notes to and from Michael, photos, note paper.

2. What color is your refrigerator? Black, is there any other color?

3. Is the freezer on the top, bottom or side? The freezer is on the side.

4. How old is your fridge? Does it match your stove? Four years and no, it doesn�t match the stove.

5. How regularly do you clean the inside of your fridge? You mean, I�m supposed to clean the refrigerator? Actually, I clean it out about weekly.

Weather Report

The last few mornings have been warm, 50s weather, and foggy. Driving to work, I�ve really had to pay attention to what was going on around me. By mid morning though the fog was gone and sunshine took its place. With all the rain we�ve had, the hillsides are green and flowers are blooming. An article in the paper talked about the fire department being worried about fires once everything dries out. All this beautiful green stuff makes great fire tender.

State of the Mz. Em

After talking with the doc on Monday and following his direction, I�m feeling (emotionally) much better. So much so, I�ve chosen to stay in town and check out an art gallery that I haven�t been to since November. They have such wonderful stuff and I�m amazed at the price artist�s ask for. I did find some pieces I liked that were reasonable and will have to see what payday brings.

My next stop was to spend time at the library. I parked a couple of blocks away so I could get some walking in. Imagine my dismay when I find the library is closed. Yup, this is what happens when the public doesn�t approve of a tax to help keep the library open. I�m disappointed but I find a bench and do some writing and reading of the book I brought with me. When I feel the temperature drop a degree or two, I head back to my car and onto my next stop.

Tonight is the meeting of the Sherlock Holmes discussion group. Tonight�s topic is over �The Adventure of the Copper Beeches. I arrived early enough to do some browsing and then headed for the caf� to have a coffee and wait for the others. So far there are only three of us but tonight we have a new comer. A rousing discussion was had by us as we went over the story. I learned that beige material is unbleached wool. Next month we are going to read The Adventure of the Five Orange Pips. Although I�ve only attended two meetings, I find I�m noticing more things about Doyle�s stories and participating more in the discussion. I�m still a newbie considering the other two have books and books of Doyle�s stories and both have gone to England and seen the sights of where Holmes was to have lived with Dr. Watson. Hoo hoo but I shall be back next month.

Day�s End

I arrive back at home close to 10 p.m. Spike was not a happy kitty and proceeded to tell me about it. It�s not like he didn�t have food to eat but how dare I not come home until late and make him wait for his dinner. He was still yakking at me as I took my shower. He calmed down after I gave him some cheese and lovin�.

In taking care of unpacking from my day and to get ready for tomorrow, I was still up when Michael arrived home and was able to hear about his day. It�s nice to have these moments together. But, it�s time for this little lady to get to bed.

mz. em


My List of Threes:

My Favorite Things About Winter:
1. The hillsides turn green.
2. The sound of frogs croaking in the evening from the puddles created from the rain.
3. Blooming wildflowers.

My Favorite Books:
1. �Gone with the Wind� - Margaret Mitchell
2. �West With the Night� - Beryl Markham
3. �The Stand� - Stephen King

My Favorite Songs:
1. Mama Don�t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys � Waylon Jennings
2. You Never Even Call Me By My Name � David Allen Coe
3. Wild Montana Skies � John Denver


What I�m Reading:

�Chronicles of Narnia� by C. S. Lewis
�The Great Hunt� Wheel of Time Series #2 by Robert Jordan
�How to Keep a Sketchbook� by Michael Woods


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10:30 p.m. - Wednesday, Mar. 9, 2005


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Crow Cottage, Actually
Golf Widow's Ministry of Silly Walks

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