Words of Mine


Made a Decision

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to
success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.�
!! Herman Cain !!


The morning has passed by quickly enough. What do I have to show for it? A free cup of coffee, the vending machine guy who was making adjustments to the machine, wanted a taste tester. Luckily for me, the coffee was good. Wow, two cups of coffee, caffeinated no less. I advised one of the IT guys to keep the broom handy in the event he saw me heading towards the ceiling.

Spring is making herself noticeable, though she�s still a few weeks off. It was over 50 degrees when I left for work this morning and sunny all day. I heard motorcycles all day, ah the call of the wild. I�m ready to do some cycling this weekend either on my motorcycle or riding with Michael. I don�t care which as Iong as we are riding somewhere.

Went to see the primary care physician (PCP) this morning; overall I�m in good health. The downside is he advised that weight gain is a side affect of the medication I�m taking. Oh joy. This means some serious looking at how well the medication working and is it enough to justify gaining weight.

Between the weather and how I feel, I had a hard time focusing on work. I�m farther along than I thought but I wanted to get more done to have a good start on Monday. Oh well, what is, is what is.

I�m really tired tonight and so I didn�t stay for the Al-Anon meeting tonight. I�m just not in for being out. I went up and opened up the community room and hung out until someone appeared then I said adios. My mood is where I want to be in my chair snoozing. Although, Michael did cook today and a little bite to eat before I snooze sounds like a good idea.

Here is my list of fives:

Five things I hate to do:
1. Get shots
2. Go to parties where I don�t know anyone other than the host/ess.
3. Drive in bad weather.
4. Eat overcooked veggies.
5. Cook.

Five places I want to visit:
1. Africa
2. Scotland
3. Australia
4. Deadwood, South Dakota
5. San Antonio, Texas

Five e-mail friends who e-mail regularly:
1. Bowling girl
2. SJ and Artist girl
3. Big brother
4. LJ
5. Mal

Five of my favorite vehicles:
1. 1963 Split-window coupe Corvette.
2. VW Beetle.
3. Cecilia, my PT Cruiser.
4. �53 Step-side Chevy pickup truck.
5. Chevy�s new SSR pickup truck.

Five of my favorite vegetables:
1. Cucumbers
2. Peas
3. Lima beans
4. Any color pepper as in bell peppers
5. Jicama

So there you have it gang. I�m going to call it a night.

mz. em


What I�m Reading:

�Chronicles of Narnia� by C. S. Lewis
�The Great Hunt� Wheel of Time Series #2 by Robert Jordan
�How to Keep a Sketchbook� by Michael Woods


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8:02 p.m. - Friday, Mar. 11, 2005


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