Words of Mine


That Cat of Mine

"Class is an aura of confidence
that is being sure without being cocky.
Class has nothing to do with money.
Class never runs scared.
It is self-discipline and self-knowledge.
It�s the sure-footedness that comes with
Having proved you can meet life.�
!! Ann Landers, 1918-2002, American advice columnist !!


Spike is my biker cat which I have had for 18 years come next month. In the early years he was an outdoor cat and only came in to eat. We�ve had some times together but since he has become an indoor cat, he has adjusted quite well. But I say, when he wakes me up in the morning with a lick on my nose, my eyelid (eyelid skin is definitely sensitive skin) and my cheek. I pet him a little and he settles down beside me purring away which always makes me pet him more. Next thing I know he bites my little finger lightly and then licks it. He does this for the other three fingers and looks me in the eye and gets up and jumps to the floor. Okay, it�s time for me to get up. And right this minute, he�s in my lap watching the monitor to my lap top very ready for me to be done so I can spend 100 percent of my attention on him.

mz. em


What I�m Reading:

�Chronicles of Narnia� by C. S. Lewis
�How to Keep a Sketchbook� by Michael Woods
�Valley of Bones� by Michael Gruber
�At a Journal Workshop� by Ira Progoff, Ph.D
�The Dragon Reborn� by Robert Jordan; Book Three of The Wheel of Time


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8:46 p.m. - Wednesday, Apr. 20, 2005


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