Words of Mine


Childhood Memories

"Everyone has a talent.
What is rare is the courage to follow the
talent to the dark place where it leads.�
!! Erica Jong !!


I remember warm summer days in Maine, taking naps on a beach chair under an apple tree. The sweet smell of apple blossoms, buzzing of bees and the wind through the leaves, what better place to sleep and nearby was the garden. The garden brought the fragrance of tilled land and green growing things. I used to picked and brush the dirt off and eat them right there. Plus there were choke cherries to eat which made my mouth pucker and turn my mouth and hands pink. At the edge of the yard were long leafed grasses perfect for making a grass whistle. Yes, it was a wonderful area to take a nap.

On the property there was the foundation of a building. One day when climbing through the rocks, my sister and I saw a snake and thought it was a rattle snake. We went running for the house and our dad. Breathless and yelling, �It�s a rattle snake. There�s a rattle snake up the in rocks!� Dad chucked and surmised that there was a snake up there but calmly told us he didn�t believe it was a rattle snake since Maine didn�t have rattle snakes. Dad followed us back up to the foundation to see our �rattler.� Luckily the snake was still sunning himself and, no, it wasn�t a rattler, it was a garter snake.

During the spring, the momma raccoons went into the kitchen of Camp Powhattan, nka Seeds of Peace, to find a big cooking pot to have her babies. Once the babies were weaned, Dad would bring home a baby raccoon and we would keep him/her until they began to show their wild side. The Dad would take him/her out into the woods and release it. The camp has so changed from when I was little that I don�t recognize it any more.

I like my memories better.

mz. em


Tuesday Twosome Your Blog!

1. Mail-in rebates: A pain to deal with or worth the wait to get money back? I�ve never had good luck with mail-in rebates so I don�t bother with them.

2. Warranties: Take a chance without them or a must have when buying high-priced items? I usually fill out and mail in all the paperwork for a warranty regardless what it is. You just never know when the item goes out.

3. Product knowledge: Research before you buy or rely on salesperson? It depends on what it is but I would say the last few big dollar item we�ve depended on the salesperson.

4. Word of mouth: Base purchases on what your friends say or disregard because you know what you are doing? Again, it depends on who the person is but I tend to listen to those who I know do serious shopping.

5. New Versions: Must buy the latest version right away or wait for a while? I like to wait awhile so the company can work out the bugs.


What I�m Reading:

�Chronicles of Narnia� by C. S. Lewis
�How to Keep a Sketchbook� by Michael Woods
�Valley of Bones� by Michael Gruber
�At a Journal Workshop� by Ira Progoff, Ph.D
�The Dragon Reborn� by Robert Jordan; Book Three of The Wheel of Time


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8:27 p.m. - Tuesday, Apr. 19, 2005


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