Words of Mine


It�s Friday

"Wherever you go, go with all your heart.�
!! Confucius, BC 551-479
Chinese Ethical Teacher, Philosopher !!


My heart is tired. I got up and showered up and dressed. I took care of Spike and his needs. Using the new little, �Cedar something,� is working and not clumping in his paws. Although it is dusty which is why we tried something else but I�d rather have the dust than the litter in his paw. He does real well with us washing his paw but it can�t be healthy for him.

Once Spike is taken care of, I call my Al-Anon sponsor and chat with her for awhile this morning. Today�s chuckle is being the bozo on the bus which means to me to not take myself so seriously. That is easier said that done let me assure you.

Meanwhile, Spike goes upstairs and wakes Michael up which causes one Michael to grumble some when he came downstairs. Me, I�m ready to take a nap but instead I empty out the dishwasher and then fill it up again. It�s amazing how those dirty dishes multiply on their own.

Michael checks on-line for information about the dryer. While he does that I spend 30-minutes on the treadmill. I�m doing so hot in keeping up with physical activity and I know I would feel better if I could get a little something in. Afterwards, I do some writing and notation of how I feel and what I�ve eaten so far today. I personally don�t feel the new medication is working as well as I had hoped but it could be my expectations that are getting in the way.

Michael makes some phone calls and then we head up to the post office. Mostly junk mail and bills plus we bring in the newspapers that have been collecting over the last couple of days. We also took out the glass we removed from the upper cupboards to make room for the new glass cookware. It�s amazing at how much we have collected and never thought about moving it. One cupboard down and another one to go.

Later in the afternoon, Michael is working on the dryer and I get my nap in. The way I feel, I�m ready for another nap though.

mz. em


Friday�s Feast: A Buffet For Your Brain

Feast 46

Name a store or restaurant you no longer visit because of a bad experience you had there. Burger King. They did not make it my way.

If you could own any building in existence, which one would you want? I would want to own a house on the beach.

What's your favorite commercial these days? I like the M & M commercial with Darth Varder.

Main Course
When was the last time you felt guilty about spending money, and what was it you purchased? Books.

Friday's Feast is going to be having it's First Birthday in 2 weeks. What should we do to celebrate? What would we give as a gift.


What I�m Reading:

�Chronicles of Narnia� by C. S. Lewis
�How to Keep a Sketchbook� by Michael Woods
�Valley of Bones� by Michael Gruber
�At a Journal Workshop� by Ira Progoff, Ph.D
�The Dragon Reborn� by Robert Jordan; Book Three of The Wheel of Time


Since I am a Barnes & Noble affiliate, any books you purchase through the link here gives me credit. So, if you feel so moved I would be appreciative.

Barnes& Noble.com


4:54 p.m. - Friday, May. 06, 2005


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