Words of Mine


The Hindrance and Pleasure of Writing

�The divided self exists in all of us.�
!! Marie Lindquist !!


When I write I feel pretty good. That is when then the words are flowing and coming together into a good story or poem. I feel I�m in the force when I write and write and I cannot stop. It feels so good and I don�t want it to come to an end. I am one with the words and they want me to succeed and I want me to be successful. There is no choice, I have to do well.

But comes the time when the words are not there for me. No ideas. No flows. Talk about frustrating when I know the words are there but they would rather stay hidden from me. I have had several days in recent times where it is like pulling teeth (yes, I know a clich�) and I wonder why I even bother to keep writing.

Several writers of blogs and journals have made the decision to stop writing. I wonder whether or not that they have had this tussle with the words and the words won out. I do know the writing comes from the imagination and then a word and then another. If I can just keep that up, then I shall have something for you to read most every day. Short to read and a head shaker on your part wondering what I must be thinking.

Entries may be short but I do not want to give up. Take a vacation for a day or two but I shall return. This is my palette and the only way I become better is to keep showing up and give you what I do have � dumb or not.

Yesterday�s poem came from the imagination by taking the alphabet of the word Sunday:


From these words came the poem they flowed from my fingers. When the words don�t flow, I feel like a dried stream or an abandoned house. Empty.

mz. em


What I�m Reading:

�Chronicles of Narnia� by C. S. Lewis
�How to Keep a Sketchbook� by Michael Woods
�Valley of Bones� by Michael Gruber
�At a Journal Workshop� by Ira Progoff, Ph.D
�The Dragon Reborn� by Robert Jordan; Book Three of The Wheel of Time


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1:46 p.m. - Monday, May. 30, 2005


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