Words of Mine


Happy October

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."

-- Christopher Reeve

Actor who became an Inspirational Speaker after being paralyzed

Happy October

A new month begins and it�s six days in the lunar cycle. A new month to me means new beginnings. The days are becoming shorter. I HATE having to wake up in the dark. Even here in paradise, the temperature is dropping and the last few mornings it�s been pretty chilly. Spike doesn�t even want to go outside. He goes back upstairs to sleep with Michael after he�s had his breakfast.

A new month means to me setting new goals for the month. What shall they be this month?

1. Writing every day in Words of Mine.

2. Exercising at least three times a week.

3. Getting some kind of answer from the other insurance company in settling my case.

4. Riding Ruby as much as possible.

5. Coming up with a writing idea for NaNoWriMo for November.

What are some goals you would like to accomplish this month?

mz. em

8:37 p.m. - Wednesday, Oct. 01, 2003


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