Words of Mine



There is a great mystery and powerful music playing that we don't hear and stories full of magic, so many stories that life isn't long enough to tell them all.

-=-Garrison Keillor


Since I thought of this topic last night, instead of writing of it here, I wrote of my gratitude on my blog which you can read here: Mz. Em�s Home for Wayward Words.


Tuesday Twosome

Independence Day - USA

1. Are you celebrating the Fourth of July or treating it like any other Sunday? We are going to the theater and then will probably watch the fireworks from our balcony later that day.

2. What top two things do you do to celebrate the Fourth of July? Generally have a barbecue and then watch the fireworks in the next town over from our balcony.

3. What two things best describes this day for you? Celebration of our original freedom and continuing to experience that freedom every day.

4. Are you going to light fireworks and/or watch a fireworks display? I will watch the display.

5. What two things do you most look forward to about this day? A day off from work and barbecue.


The Bag � Chapter Two

If you are just checking into this story, go here to be up to speed: Chapter One.

I realize I�ve thought too long about what to do. The train is moving at high speed and I cannot get off the train to attempt to find the young woman I�ve named Lucy.

So now, do I snoop or do I do the easy thing and hand the L.L. Bean bag over to the conductor? I choose to snoop.

What is in here as I pull out wrapped goods? It seems Lucy has left her lunch bag behind. There is a pastrami sandwich from Gordon�s House of Pastrami on 43rd Street. Wrapped in Gordo�s distinctive sandwich wrap wax paper with a map of New York City in detail with all roads leading to Gordo�s marked with a large star. I don�t disturb the tape holding the wrap together but the sandwich smells like a regular with olive oil, spicy mustard, tomato, salt and pepper. I pull out a small bag of pepperocini peppers, definitely a must have with pastrami. A 12 ounce classic Coke, there is something right with this girl who drinks classic Coke. She has a bag of salt and vinegar chips, a nice large napkin and then to finish off lunch, a pie-shaped container of a slice of plain cheese cake. This gal is no slouch when it comes to lunch. I wonder, does she eat this way every day or is today special?

I find no identification in her lunch bag and it�s an L.L. Bean carry all. I�d have thought she would have had her name somewhere on the bag or in it. So now what? I put everything back in the bag including the individually wrapped wet wipes.

Stay tuned for Chapter Three.


mz. em

10:32 p.m. - Tuesday, Jun. 29, 2004


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