Words of Mine


Isn�t Anything Sacred?

The only thing I was fit for was to be a writer,
and this notion rested solely on my suspicion that I would never be fit for real work,
and that writing didn't require any.
++ Russell Baker++


In a week, vandals broke into the Santa Claus house and damaged the insides.

Don�t these people have a life?

What does one gain from destroying ideals and children�s happiness? So far, I haven�t heard or read that the vandals have been caught but I hope they get the book thrown at them. Lots of community service working with kids would be a start.

Things are quiet around work. I think my phone rang maybe a total of four times. One call wasn�t even for me, it was for circulation. Most of what I�m doing now is creating January calendars. How can this be when there is still days left in December? Let me tell you, it�s going to be a busy January. I still want to hibernate with Michael and Spike.

I was up and out early enough to see a beautiful sunrise. Plenty of pink along the horizon; except for the direction of the sun, you would think it was sunset because of the colors.

Today�s adventure was learning where the sourdough day old store is. On a good many mornings, I can smell them baking bread. The fragrance makes me want to go grab a loaf and some butter and chow down. The great thing is buying the day old bread is so inexpensive; I purchased a loaf of sliced sourdough and a loaf of rosemary sourdough and it was less than $2. I know where I will be buying our bread from now on.

The end of this adventure was to stop by Weight Watchers to pick up another copy of the handout on recipes for pears. I tore my house apart but could not find the original recipe. The only thing I can think of is the recipe was thrown out in a stack of papers that had been on the counter. Anyway, I made the salad, pears, goats cheese, walnuts, lettuce, dressing (it called for a balsamic vinaigrette but I used a zesty Italian), salt and pepper. I found out I really like goats cheese. I will be doing this salad again.

Well, this is it for me for tonight. I�m feeling kind of tired.


What I�m Reading:

�The Eye of the World (Wheel of Time Series #1� by Robert Jordan � I�m up to chapter 14 and it�s a book that is hard to put down. I can�t believe I went to lunch on Friday instead of reading this book.
�Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire� by J.K. Rowling � Moving right along. I love Mad Eye Moody. What a great character to add to the cast. Somehow, I feel he�s there to watch out for Harry.
Llewellyn�s �2004 Witches� Spell-A-Day Almanac�
�Insight Meditation� by Sharon Salzberg and Joseph Goldstien
Llewellyn�s �2004 Magical Almanac�
�The Essene Book of Days 2004� by Danaan Parry
�365 Yoga � Daily Meditations� by Julie Rappaport
�The Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation Solitary Witch� by Silver RavenWolf
�Hope For Today� Al-Anon Family Groups
�Paths to Recovery � Al-Anon�s Steps, Traditions and Concepts� by Al-Anon Family Groups
�The Stranger at the Palazzo D�Oro and Other Stories� by Paul Theroux � This is a strange book and easily put aside for the first two.
�How Al-Anon Works For Families & Friends of Alcoholics� Al-Anon Family Groups
�Ironman� magazine � January 1995
�Night Light, A Book of Nighttime Meditations� by Amy E. Dean


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mz. em

9:48 p.m. - Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2004


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