Words of Mine


It�s Coming Closer

I believe talent is like electricity.
We don't understand electricity. We use it.
You can plug into it and light up a lamp,
keep a heart pump going, light a cathedral,
or you can electrocute a person with it.
Electricity will do all that. It makes no judgment.
I think talent is like that.
I believe every person is born with talent.
++ Maya Angelou ++


I don�t know about you all, but the holiday season has really hit. Today the company held their holiday luncheon. I did pretty well, I didn�t eat any bread but I did eat some cookies. Needless to say, I didn�t write down anything; I know I�m going to weigh some more by the time I get back to Weight Watchers. I need to take more control over what I eat and keep to: If I didn�t make it or didn�t bring � don�t eat it!

A lot of co-workers have gone on vacation. Things are slowing down, the phones are quiet which is fine with me and I don�t feel like working. I want to sit in my chair and read. Spike is also requesting lap time and Michael is fit in where his schedule allows. We are like two ships passing in the night but boy howdy!

Happy Winter Solstice everyone! Definitely electricity there with the days growing longer now and I�m ready for some more daylight.


Tuesday Twosome

Holiday celebrations...

1. Do you celebrate a religious meaning to this season and if so, what (Christmas, Hanukkah, etc.)? If not, why? I celebrate Winter Solstice. I�m not into organized religion.

2. What does this holiday season mean to you and why? The waxing of the sun, still a time to be still and prepare the soul for the new beginnings in the Spring.

3. Which do you enjoy the most: giving presents or receiving presents and why? Presents are fun to receive any time. Only, I give all year long and choose not to give at this time of year. Unless, of course, I have found something I know someone wants.

4. Name two holiday movies that best describes the season for you: �White Christmas� with Bing Crosby and �It�s A Wonderful Life� with Jimmy Stewart

5. Name two holiday songs that best describes the season for you: �Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer� and �Silent Night Holy Night�


What I�m Reading:

�The Eye of the World (Wheel of Time Series #1� by Robert Jordan � I�m up to chapter 14 and it�s a book that is hard to put down. I can�t believe I went to lunch on Friday instead of reading this book.
�Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire� by J.K. Rowling � Moving right along. I love Mad Eye Moody. What a great character to add to the cast. Somehow, I feel he�s there to watch out for Harry.
Llewellyn�s �2004 Witches� Spell-A-Day Almanac�
�Insight Meditation� by Sharon Salzberg and Joseph Goldstien
Llewellyn�s �2004 Magical Almanac�
�The Essene Book of Days 2004� by Danaan Parry
�365 Yoga � Daily Meditations� by Julie Rappaport
�The Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation Solitary Witch� by Silver RavenWolf
�Hope For Today� Al-Anon Family Groups
�Paths to Recovery � Al-Anon�s Steps, Traditions and Concepts� by Al-Anon Family Groups
�The Stranger at the Palazzo D�Oro and Other Stories� by Paul Theroux � This is a strange book and easily put aside for the first two.
�How Al-Anon Works For Families & Friends of Alcoholics� Al-Anon Family Groups
�Ironman� magazine � January 1995
�Night Light, A Book of Nighttime Meditations� by Amy E. Dean


Since I am a Barnes & Noble affiliate, any books you purchase through the link here gives me credit. So, if you feel so moved I would be appreciative.

Holiday Gift Guide


mz. em

9:41 p.m. - Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2004


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