Words of Mine


One Step at a Time

"The happiness of life is made up of minute fractions-
the little, soon-forgotten charities of a kiss or smile, a kind look,
a heart-felt compliment, and the countless infinitesimals of
pleasurable and genial feeling.�
!! Samuel Taylor Coleridge !!


Preferred Food Facts

1. Prefer a Standard Oven or Microwave? It all depends on my mood and what it is my cooking. At times, I�ve had the stove top, oven and microwave all in use.

2. Prefer to Fry or Bake? It depends on the food but I do love fried stuff but I like cookies too.

3. Prefer Cooking or Fast Food Meals? It depends on how hungry I am and whether or not I feel (actually whether Michael feels) like cooking. Fast food is fun though and my favorite is Taco Bell and/or the local burger joint.

4. Prefer Sit Down or On The Run Dinners? It depends on whether I�m in a rush or not but I prefer to sit down and have someone wait on me.


Let�s Have an Auction

Reading today�s paper, a wife is auctioning off her husband for a day. He�s 96 and has lived a colorful life and his wife felt it would be fun to have someone spend a day with them and have some lunch and talk about whatever comes up. The bidding began at $19.99 and when I checked it out this morning it was up to $100. If I wasn�t watching my pennies I�d even consider bidding just to meet this guy and his wife. To check it out go here:

A Priceless Date


The Glass Begins to Shake

I�m sitting here writing away when I realize the upstairs� office windows are rattling. Earthquake. Only I don�t feel anything but definitely the windows are rattling enough to catch my attention. It must be a small one. I noticed Spike had been out in the garage yeowling maybe he could sense it coming.


It�s going to be a laid back, puttering around the house kind of day around here. Hope you all have the kind of day you all deserve.

mz. em


What I�m Reading:

�A Wizard of Earthsea� by Ursula K. Le Guin � I�m slowly moving forward in this book and it is getting better. I can�t quite put my finger on what it is about Le Guin�s writing but it�s different than the way MacDonald writes. In some sense it reminds me of Harry Potter as the main character is going to school to learn magickal stuff and he, too, has trials and tribulations.

�Fall on Your Knees� by Ann-Marie MacDonald � Getting down to the last hundred pages. It�s still a great book although dark in subject but MacDonald can write a story that keeps you interested.


Since I am a Barnes & Noble affiliate, any books you purchase through the link here gives me credit. So, if you feel so moved I would be appreciative.

Best of the Book Clubs


12:33 p.m. - Saturday, Feb. 12, 2005


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