Words of Mine


Yea! It�s Friday

�It is not often that someone comes along
who is a true friend and a good writer. Charlotte was both.�
!! E. B. White, �Charlotte�s Web� !!


This week has seemed really long but I survived it and in fairly good spirits. I�d like to analyze this but why? It needs to be enough that I�ve had a good week though long.

Oh yeah, I can�t remember if I wrote about this or not but I�m giving up the word �should� for Lent. Though I prescribe to no particular traditional spirituality, I feel it will do me good to eradicate this word from my vocabulary. I mean, if I can do it with the word �can�t� then I can do it with the word should.

Should only creates expectations and expectations as we all know are premeditated resentments. Who wants to go there?

Also, I want to leave you with this thought:

�If you want to feel good about yourself, stop doing things that make you feel bad.�
= �How Al-Anon Works,� Page 276



Friday�s Feast: A Buffet For Your Brain

Feast 36

Appetizer - Name 2 things you do that you consider beneficial to your health. 1. Eat healthfully; 2. Exercise.

Soup - If you made a New Year's resolution, how's it going so far? I�m moving forward slowly. Some I�m doing very well and others I haven�t begun.

Salad - Name something that has happened lately that bothers you. Three young men accost a senior citizen who was leaving a hamburger restaurant. They rough up the senior citizen and leave him with bruises and a broken ankle. Then they leave and hijack a car of a mother who is picking her children up from school. Luckily she or the children were in the car when this happened. This happened in the town I work in. What were those young men thinking? I could let this really get to me to the point I don�t want to leave my house as it isn�t �safe� to be out any more.

Main Course - What is your favorite quote, and who said it? "What is important is not what happens to us, but how we respond to what happens to us." = Jean-Paul Sartre, 1905-1980, Writer and Philosopher

Dessert - What do you collect? Rocks, books, music and fountain pens.


That�s about it for tonight. I am the speaker for tonight�s Al-Anon meeting and have to get going.

mz. em


What I�m Reading:

�Chronicles of Narnia� by C. S. Lewis
�The Great Hunt� Wheel of Time Series #2 by Robert Jordan
�Sage Woman � Celebrating the Goddess in Every Woman� autumn 1997
�Biography� Winter 2005


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6:36 p.m. - Friday, Feb. 18, 2005


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