Words of Mine


Common Acts

�When you can do the common things of life in an
uncommon way you will command the attention of the world."
!! George Washington Carver, 1864-1943, Scientist !!


Through the years I�ve had my moments of fame and glory. It was fun while it lasted but when said and done, I still felt empty inside. Of course, I wouldn�t change anything if I had to do over. I believe it�s called Life University and this is part of the learning.

For common things today, I just want to be in the moment, enjoying what I�m doing. Whether it�s doing dishes, sorting laundry, making the bed, to be there in that moment, mindful of it and feel the purest joy and pleasure of doing these common things as well as I can and call it good enough.

I�m slowly learning that each of these activities can be a moment of meditation if I am mindful. Not thinking about what has to come next, whether or not I�m going to complete my list of activities I have written down for the day, to what I have to do the next day.

In this moment, this very exact moment, everything is absolutely perfect.

Whether the world notices doesn�t matter to me.

mz. em


3X Thursday

Your Healthy Self (or lack there of)

1. How well do you eat? What's your definition of 'eating healthy'? For the most part, I eat healthy. Since going to Weight Watchers on a regular basis, eating healthy is getting my five servings of fruits and vegetables, two servings of dairy, six eight-ounce glasses of water. Then comes the portion control; I grow through spells where I will measure and weigh all of my food to the exact number and other times I just don�t go back to seconds.

2. Do you get any exercise on a regular basis? What's your definition of 'a regular basis', and what do you do? I attempt daily physical activity. As long as it�s not raining hard, I walk for 15 minutes for my morning break at work. I practice three yoga poses at home and attend a Sunday morning class at a near by yoga center for 90 minutes. I lift weights, do stretches and use my treadmill. To me regular is doing something daily; although most of the stuff you read or see on TV state at least three times per week and at 30 minutes.

3. Do you take vitamins or supplements? Why/Why not? If you do, what do you take? I take vitamin supplements because I don�t always eat all of my veggies or other nourishing foods. However, I have cut back on what I take and how much because I am getting a lot more of my vitamins from the food I eat.

Bonus Question for Comments: Can you tell you and your body are getting older? If so, how? Oh yes, skin isn�t as firm as it used to be, small lines around the eyes and mouth (smile lines you know), my knees pop in the morning when I get up, when the weather is changing I feel creaky. I�m not on the go as much as I used to be. I find I like staying home more.


What I�m Reading:

�Chronicles of Narnia� by C. S. Lewis
�The Great Hunt� Wheel of Time Series #2 by Robert Jordan
�Biography� Winter 2005
�How to Keep a Sketchbook� by Michael Woods


Since I am a Barnes & Noble affiliate, any books you purchase through the link here gives me credit. So, if you feel so moved I would be appreciative.

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10:42 p.m. - Thursday, Feb. 24, 2005


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