Words of Mine


Ridin� My Thumb to Mexico by Johnny Rodriguez

�It only takes one person to change your life - you."
!! Ruth Casey !!


Back in the day, hitchhiking was a safe way to get around when one didn�t have a car. I heard this song on the radio and the song reminded me of the times I�ve thumbed my way around the country.

Growing up in Maine, I used to pick up people who needed a ride and I thumbed to placed. The biggest travel was with my first husband when we went from Maine to Washington D.C. It was quite an adventure with being called a honkey for the first time, the Smithsonian Institute and standing outside the White House gates when President Nixon resigned. We went down and back in three days.

My second trip was from Kansas to California. Who knew I would be living here in a matter of years. Nothing too exciting other than riding with the truckers and being in the Bay area. My return trip was from Fresno, California, Salt Lake City, Utah, Denver, Colorado and back to Kansas. I was in heaven but there were a few people who weren�t too happy with me. Oh well.

Using your thumb is not a safe way to travel today but it sure is fun to think about.

mz. em


What I�m Reading:

�Chronicles of Narnia� by C. S. Lewis
�How to Keep a Sketchbook� by Michael Woods
�Valley of Bones� by Michael Gruber
�At a Journal Workshop� by Ira Progoff, Ph.D
�The Dragon Reborn� by Robert Jordan; Book Three of The Wheel of Time


Since I am a Barnes & Noble affiliate, any books you purchase through the link here gives me credit. So, if you feel so moved I would be appreciative.

Barnes& Noble.com


6:41 p.m. - Saturday, May. 21, 2005


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